My friend's cousin had to paint kids stuff. Where I live it's kind of traditional to use papier-mache made giants and big heads. There are parades where giants march even the narrow streets (you can see their heads from your balcony) while big headed dudes dance.
I'm not into that but since it was for kids I decided to spend my Saturday at it. I found the heads not sculpted in clay then molded and cast in papier-mache but made straight out of papier-mache! Let's say the result was... amateur-ish at best. It doesn't matter how good you can paint when the subject is an undefined blob.
Did I mention they used fiberglass over the papier-mache? LOL 😆 it was a pain in the ass to power tool it, putty up and sand many times. I feel like I still have fiberglass splinters on my hands!
We were also short on time and money so I got some Molotow spray cans, masked the eyes with kids plasticine (we had no white) and used a heavy body black acrylic tube I brought from home for the details. I managed to ad a bit of color to the eyes with finger paints laying around and oil paint brown stripes on the cat 's back.
The "art direction" is more a by-product of the sculpture than of what I'd have done if planned from scratch.
Enjoy (or ashame)! I share them just for the record.
El primo de un colega necesitaba canezones para los ñiñoh ahora que vienen fiestas. Aquà se hace esa movida de los gigantes y cabezudos...
Me pidieron ayuda para terminarlos y bueno. Un tanto amateur (el pintado es más fruto de como era la pieza que de mis ideas). Cuando vi que tenÃa fibra de vidrio por encima del papel mache, buff.
Bueno, les pasé la dremel para que los niños no se cortasen (creo que aún tengo las manos llenas de astillas de fibra) lija, enmasillamos (Sergio me ayudó bastante con la masilla y la lija) y tal.
Como tenÃamos solo el sábado y poquÃsima pasta, pillé unas latas Molotow, enmascaré los ojos con plastelina de los niños (para aprovechar el blanco de la imprimación, no tenÃamos color blanco 😆) y cuatro trazos con acrÃlico negro en tubo, de mi casa. Un poco de óleo en la cabeza del gato y a correr.
Regocijaos o avergonzados! Yo los comparto para que conste en acta 🥳