Boring AF

That's it. Been working on pro making molds of my miniatures, finally. Boring, time consuming and I bet it's not worth it (why might I want copies?) yet I kinda wanted to do all myself old-school using wax, wood and whatnot as I were taught instead of YouTube hacks "you've doing it wrong" kind of stuff.

So far I have a necromutant body, a complete necromutant figure and a weapon. Hope to be finishing more necros and starting an ezoghoul model which will be a pain in the ass mould making wise.

Sorry, not much eye candy but I swear It's more involved than painting stuff. Just less interesting to look at. Had to smooth things up, do some filling etc.

BTW the gun was almost destroyed in my 1st attempt so now its surface looks weird. I textured it to look more necrotech-ish but got uncured silicone on it and the weirdness is now accentuated. Algeroth may still approve.

Dunno what color cast them, maybe transparent  or colored clear, or mixed colored clear like gummy bears... maybe pastel. Dunno.

I bet there's someone thinking "just trans like you" xD


No se para que me pongo a hacer copias, la verdad. Es un currando, aburrido y chupa una de tiempo que ni te cuento. Pero quería hacerlo al estilo traditional. Con madera, cera, olla de vacío... nada de rolls de YouTube de haz el molde con legosy tal y cual.

No se que haré con las copias, pero quería hacerlas "como antes" . Tengo ya 3 moldes: un cuerpo, un arma y una figura completa.

A ver como acaba el experimento, no se si me cansaré antes o me quedaré sin dinero para tirar por el váter.  Siento que no mole 1000 pero da más curro esto que pintar, solo que no es tan guay de ver.

Que molaría más? Miniaturas transparentes, trans pero de algún color? O colores varios tipo gomitas? O tonos pastel?

Seguro que alguien va a pensar "trans como tú" xD

12 comentarios:

  1. Resin casting something that could be very useful, and which I have no interest in getting into. Between the smell, the mess et cetera... But your designs merit producing copies. I'm sure there are other people who would love to paint them!

    1. It's nasty stuff for sure. I'm not interested, I'd rather be sculpting or painting... and I'll bet 100 to 1 my designs won't appeal to anyone neither will be promoting.

      I'm not being humble IKR and still if there were any, numbers would be so low that wouldn't ever justify the several hundreds from the vacuum chamber, the resin, the silicone and the time / effort put into, not to say the very 1st sculp. Also, being kind of a commie I wouldn't feel OK charging people. Money makes me feel uncomfortable.

      I think that's what fuels the project. Knowing I'm already losing money for the sake of being wrong.

      May this be a high toll for the practical knowledge I'm getting and for sure the process is kind of obsolete nowadays but,


    2. > Money makes me feel uncomfortable.

      I hear that! I've never been willing to paint for money, even with no pressure. In addition to being a bit of a filthy communist myself, I prefer non-transactional relationships with people. So I'll barter, but I like to think of it as really more of an exchange of gifts 😁

    3. I see you are a man of culture as well 😏

  2. Looking forward to seeing how the casts come out!

    I'm also keen to do some home casting but in a small flat thats full of stuff, I'm not sure its really practical!

    1. Ain't practical at all, won't lie but somehow I'm going on with this.

      Looking good so far. I plan to package stuff even not having any intention to sell them.

      It's like playing to be an adult who has a job, from kid's point of view.

  3. Recuerdo en los 90's que si no hacías moldes eras un don nadie. Y se juntaba la gente con mil altos Elfos chungos sin pintar. Y de pronto, ya nadie hacia moldes. A los años, salieron las impresoras 3D.Más altos Elfos sin pintar. Según la UICN estás en peligro crítico de extinción

    1. Por cierto Sangrianor, a ver si te dejas de monsergas y compartes tu receta de "piel no caucásica" que los marvel united the están quedando bien chulhus.

    2. Receta de los tonos de piel (los números son todos de Vallejo):


      Base con 70871
      Lavado agrax earthshade de Games Workshop
      Retoco todo menos huecos con 70871
      Luces con un 1:1 de 70871 y 70818
      Luces finales con 70818


      Base 3:1 de 70871 y 70955
      Lavado con Agrax
      Retoco con la base de 3:1
      Luces con mezcla 2:1
      Luces finales con 1:1 de 70871 y 70955


      Base 2:1 de 70871 y 70955
      Lavado con 1:1 de Agrax y Reikland Fleshshade de GW
      Retoco con la base de 2:1
      No hago luces finales


    4. Si tienes dudas del tono de un Marvel concreto, solo que lo digas. Okoye y Shuri son como Nick Furia. Blade como Falcon

  4. Canas, me llegan los güebos a las rodillas...estoy viejorl y hago cosas de viejo.

    Haré las miniaturas menos biodegradable de la historia, serán mi legado: en 100 años habrá una bolsita de miñaturas mías bajo toneladas de basura o mejor, en órbita flotando junto a un pañal cagao.Chúpate esa melón musk.

    Ayúdame Obi Wan Kenobi, eres mi única esperanza. Dame un bokatatún kenobi, estírate hombre.
