Diary of a mech man PT.1 (kitbashing a mech)

This is the first step in a series of kitbash / scratch building diary.

The project is taking so long and such amount of steps and effort (kind of) I decided not to wait till completion and release status updates instead.

Not long ago I sculpted a rather confused looking mech pilot. This is the robot's main frame for the body (paper clip dispensed from the 90s).

My aunt gave me this in my late teens as she knew how much I loved to hoard plastic bits. Always dreamed about making a mech out of it: decades later, time has come!

It needs a proper back, so cut and sanded plasticard and chopped a piece from a dollar store toy to add sort of a backpack.

Next was to fill some holes here and there using bits of plastic and plasticard which I detailed scoring panel lines and gluing bits.

Hope it makes any sense so far. Through next updates you'll see it shaping into (hopefully) a mech.


Primera entrada en lo que va a ser una serie sobre kitbashing y scratch building: crear un mecha desde cero.

El proceso es tan largo y tortuoso que en vez de esperar a terminar, he decidido ir compartiendo el progreso a medida que lo voy terminando.

No hace mucho modelé un piloto de mech a lo suyo, pilotando. Está pieza  será el punto de partida para el cuerpo robotífero.

Es un dispensador de clips para papel, que i tia ti dió en los 90 dada mi sabida afición por amasar toneladas de deshecho plasticoide. Siempre soñé, incluso de adulto, convertirlo en un robot hecho y derecho: décadas después, el sueño se cumple.

Para la necesaria espalda, un cacho de plasticard cortado a medida y lijado concienzudamente. Para que no sea un rollo patatero, la espalda tendrá una suerte de chepa biónica, mochila propulsora, motor, depósito de municiones, tubo de acceso... Lo dejo a tu imaginación.

Es un cacho de juguete del todo a cien (de hace cien años también) serrado, al que le he tapado los bujeros con triciclos de plástico cuqui y más plasticard detallada con líneas de panel grabadas y cuatro cosas más.

Espero que tenga un poco de sentido. Si no, a medida que avance el proyecto el robot irá tomando forma ante tus ojos (ahora aparece el hada madrina y te mete la varita por el...).

Ale, a disfrutar.

8 comentarios:

  1. You're basing your bot on a 25 year old plastic office accessory? I AM impressed! Both at your ingenuity, and your willingness to hoard bitz for as long as it takes... That said, I can totally see why you're using this, it has a great shape and looks like it was pretty straightforward to add in scratch built parts to fill the holes at the end.

    I _think_ I can see where you're going with this, but I'm still very curious as to how you're going to do it. Don't be shy, post often :D

    1. Wow, you sound like my wife now. Which is a compliment I guess. To retain certain amount of ingenuity and our ability to dream is a thing to me. At our 40s most people is way too 'old minded' to my taste and IMHO we have a lot to learn from kids. Mostly stuff we forgot in the process of growing up.

      But enough of that, yeah I plant to take quick pics on regular basis so that keeps taking shape.

      Built all parts already and tried a dry fit with poster tack. This is going to rock.

      Next, detailing.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Man, I still can't see the shape of this, but I'm totally sold on this project. I can't wait to see this happening!

    1. I totally see how at this point it's all blurry at the edges but it will make sense once you see the front part.

      Me too. I've waited so many years to turn this piece of plastic into something... I just hope I won't screw up my own expectations.

      Thanks matey!

  3. Interesante proyecto. Capitulo 2 puesto a grabar :D.
    Tengo algo parecido terminado, pero por pintar, partiendo de un huevo kinder, Eggnought es llamado cariñosamente, y por subir. Los trabajos de Suber también son influencia, aunque no llego a tanto detalle, que es más una limpieza de cajas de restos.
    Estoy por hacer una entrada con todos los kitbashing que tengo empezados y no acabados, NEWIP -> nerver-ending WIPs, o WIP como Work In Pause.

    1. Me encanta lo de work in paisa 🤓

      Yo tengo un eggnought collonutti porque el Kinder el cuestión es marca notifixis y tiene una forma curiosa.

      Suber es un makinote aunque demasiado modesto. 🧐

      Gracias por pasar y comentar, capítulo 2 en el aire!

  4. Right, now I'm more than a bit curious. I can see how this part could work as the back but I'm completely in the dark when it comes to scale. How tall is this machine going to be? Are you really going to build a giant mecha in 28mm scale? Which I guess must be about as tall as one of those incredibly expensive Forge World titans.

    1. God no! Hahah... Warhammer-heads went nuts with that. It will be roughly 10 cm tall. A ball holding inside a dude that doesn't know what's going on, 2 feet 2 arms, backpack and so on so forth.

      So faithful to my skills you made blush. Forge world titan he said 😆
