COC LCG ! Cthulhu fhtang!

These are a set from the boxed Living Card Game (LCG) The Call of Cthulhu (COC, you see now I wasn't speaking eldritch gibberish).

They are used to mark your resource cards as used. Before the LCG I had the CCG (collectible) and TBH (now this is ridiculous, madness) I haven't played the LCG which is the same but balanced.

Painting wise I was to paint a set stone grey and a set sand yellow but I found myself painting these just like that. Really.

Pics doesn't make it justice, IRL it all looks more subtle and natural and it took a hell of  photo editing to scratch the surface of what those really look like.

My hardest to photography mini to date. Mainly due the insane amount of info lurking in the shadows. To naked eye or almost look black but looking closer you find shadows are reddish.

Did to emphasize how important is working your shadows. Rich shadow work can make it up for an average light effect and can set a mood.

Eyes were painted as bead gems, and gloss varnished and somehow it look like the statue is looking at you.

Now what ? Could anyone give me an idea of how should I paint the other set of three (for my adversary) ?

Have sweet dreams. Deep ones.

Tokens de la caja del LCG (juego de cartas expandible) de La Llamada de Chtulhu (COC, que no se diga que hablo en lenguas inenarrables).

Tenía el coleccionable (CCG, Los de sobrecitos a lo Magic) y a este jugué poco porque era el mismo juego reempaquetado y equilibrado. Los tokens se usan para marcar los recursos gastados.

Quería estás está en gris y las de mi oponente en color arena pero las pinté así, no se se que, en serio.

Es seguramente la sesión de fotos más infernal que jamás he hecho, son muy difíciles de fotografiar y retocar porque hay mucha información cromática en las sombras. En mano las sombras son casi negras y con el brillo se antojan rojizas. Mas sutil y natural.

Los ojos son gemas barnizadas en brillo que al final quedan como si la estatua te mirase pese a no tener pupilas.

Espero que esto recalque la importancia de trabajar bien las sombras añadiendo valores extra y no solo "mismo color, más oscuro".

Como debería pintar los otros 3? No tengo ni idea.

 ...dulces y profundos sueños.

19 comentarios:

  1. I really love the paintjob:
    both blue-to-brown tone, stunning eyes and of course the fact it's Great Cthulhu himself!

    We used to play COC CCG and had lots of fun with it, we dropped it when it was switched to LCG. We didn't even give it a chance actually...
    I really enjoyed that thing: both story and supercool artworks.
    Miss those careless days...

    1. I feel you: got a copy of the LCG but dropped not sure even giving it a single play.

      For our CCG we even got a leather box and tons of blue stone beetles (for tokens) when we were at Cairo (the game was kinda Egypt themed) so our collectible game is both a piece of souvenir and ultra deluxe self made set.

      Fond memories, miss those days too!

      Thanks for bringing those back to my head, I just painted unaware of my past history with the game.


    2. That's so cool, turning a generic game into something really personal and special.

  2. Stunning paintwork on the gribbly eldritch horror!

    Would green or purple work or a combination of the two work for the others?

    1. Thanks!

      Funny that you mention this: my next three minis are actual gaming pieces (not my own sculpt) so I'm pushing the envelope here. In example, painted a piece magenta and its shadows just in green.

      It's really amazing how colours combine and interact with each other.

      I'll definitely be working on that.

  3. ¿Qué barniz brillante usas? Este te ha quedado muy bien

    1. Mucha grasa!

      Uso Vallejo porque son los que tengo desde siempre, nada especial. Mate, satinado y brillo.

      Y cuando quiero mate auténtico, uso ultra mate de AK interactive.

      Todo a aerógrafo (el brillo en los ojos a pincel).

      Si son piezas de juego las barnizo primero en brillo para que agua te el manoseo y luego les doy mate.

      También enmascara el metal, o lo dejo para el final o le doy un toque de brillante porque el mate mata el efecto metálico.

  4. This is gorgeous! I love the colours, which really evoke the ocean abyss. And the eyes are so sinister :0

    You truly let the dogs of your talent out this time, woof woof woof. Your sculpts are great, but I also love when you paint other people's sculpts, because you always choose something really good.

    1. TBH my own cartoonish figures are 20mm cubic so there's not much room for improvement nor crazy techniques.

      It's with stuff like those when I can really go all in. Believe me, the dogs are at bay... Painted 3 minibusts (photo pending) where IMHO I really pushed the envelope.

      Thanks for the comments, I guess you nailed it and subconsciously went for an abyssal look.

      Ia! Ia Fhtang!

    2. Well, I'll keep an eye out for those busts! Probably not a format I'll ever get into, but all the best painters are doing them now :)

    3. Gaming pieces, nothing fancy.

  5. Me he quedado como cinco minutos de reloj mirando las sombras y los efectos. Y ojo, me parece que la mini engaña, no es sencilla de pintar (bien). Me gusta mucho el caganer ancestral.

    1. Vaya, a ver cómo te devuelvo yo ahora esos 5 minutos; aceptas bonos? Tengo un billete de $666 (cierto) si tienes cambio lo hablamos 🤓

      Es que a cualquier cosa la llaman hoy jamón: no es una miniatura, son 6 trozos de plastiquete idénticos para justificar que el juego de cartas valga una pasta.

      Pero bueno, a cualquier palo se le puede sacar punta y ya tenemos flecha.

      Todo cuadra eh? El "portal" la estrella encima (the stars are right), 3 Reyes (alguno iría de amarillo) y daddy-sepia plantando un pino tras las bambalinas.

      Me encanta la imagen que has ayudado a crear.

      Si al ñordo le ponemos a Dagon abrazado queda el pesebre fetén 🐙

  6. Gran trabajo. Y los ojos hipnotizan. Excelente.

    1. Cuanta razón, estaba sin pintar y un pestañeo después estaban pintadas y yo tenía dolor de cabeza y ganas de ver el mar.


  7. Muy buen trabajo, una vez más. Me gusta el tono azulado, es más usual ver cthulus verdes, pero así queda mucho más siniestro, le pega mucho. Y además tiene unos ojazosy el degradado es impecable.

    ¿Piensas hacer uno de cada color en plan parchís?

    1. Lo de ojazos me ha hecho imaginarlo con pestañas a lo Betty Boo! 😆

      Son 3 para cada jugador, estos tres para el jugador número A y 3 que quedan para el segundo jugador, ir no sé cómo los haré, quizás arenisca amarillentos...

      Uno de cada color sería psicodélica dura 😋

  8. What a way to paint an Elder statue. Not just by the way did the stonework, which is brilliant, but especially because of what you did with those eyes. They really seem to follow you, even in a photograph, and I can easily imagine how one can lose his/her sanity just by looking at it.

    1. To be honest, I wish I didn't walk that path. Did on purpose but sometimes things doesn't work.

      Or to be more precisely, work way too well.

      Looking these statues at the eyes is really ill-at-ease. Really uncomfortable to look at to the point you want to turn the to just see they old ones' butt.

      At times I think I should have given them glow like OSL eyes so they would belong to the realm of plastic toys instead. As they are now are halfway between that horror movie props.

      Bottom line: think twice before giving you minis both dramatic shadows AND lively eyes.

      Glad it's just papa cthul (a grumpy depiction tho) who's face everyone's accustomed to.

      There's creepier stuff out like nyarlatothep and such 🙄

      Thanks for your kind comments!
