Riddle me this: why didn't the jerk finish a single project?

 Working on another heroclix while I amass willpower enough to properly take pics of Raven, Beast Boy and Raven, all finished by now.

The ? was broken and the stick bent so I got rid of it, drilled a hole in his hand (which fell off as it was a different piece) and replaced the stick with a straight plastic rod.

Stripped the mini, painted on liquid greenstuff here and there, scribed a square pattern on the 35mm base, sculpted a small money bag out of white milliput, cut plastic rod slices to simulate coins and coated everything with liquid greenstuff.

My plan is to have a fun and quick paint session with him, instead of a really involved process.

Hope you like it. BTW the point of investing time on these is the sheer fun of spending time in cheap plastic I bought in bulk really long ago instead of trying to show off throwing money at the latest and hottest kickstarter.

Maybe I'll end up proving (probing? 🤔) that love and dedication thrown into an $1 may stack enough weight to compete with a $30 batman the game mini rushed on for a game.


Pues nada, liado con otro viejo heroclix mientras acumulo fuerza de voluntad para sacar buenas fotografías de Raven, Chico Bestia y Cyborg, todos acabados ya.

El bastón doblado, el interrogante roto... así que taladro en la mano (que resultó ser pieza aparte) y varilla de plástico. Y por supuesto decapar el pre pintado horrible y grueso.

En la base he grabado un diseño de cuadros, modelado una bolsa de dinero y rodajas de varilla de plástico para simular monedas. Una manita de masilla verde líquida para juntar todo un poco y ya.

Espero que te guste, aunque últimamente todo sean teasers. Me pongo con esto, la verdad por la diversión de aprovechar montones de plástico que compré a peso hace la pila de tiempo, en lugar de ir a por lo último de lo último, kickstarters de figura rechulonas y tal.

Quizás acabe demostrando que pesa más el amor y dedicación volcadas en una figura de 2 euros (la que más) que gastarse 30 pavos en una mini del juego de superheroes de turno...

11 comentarios:

  1. The newest and hottest KS definitely isn't the be-all and end-all of this hobby, for sure! I myself am digging into my pile of older figures lately, surprisingly rewarding as well as thrifty 😁

    If Cyborg is any indication you will make this guy amazing. These figures aren't always such good sculpts or moldings, but with a judicious painting style they can look quite nice.

    1. Oddly enough in the board game community I dwell people who won't ever touch a paint pot toss ludicrous amounts of money into plastic-packed games so I went the opposite route and may use these in Heroscape or any old game with fanmade stat cards or even try clix's rules etc, why not?

      Glad to know you are sniffing ya ol' pile too.

      Your comments is spot on tho: both sculpt and molding leave a lot to be desiredon these. Maybe that's what makes it so rewarding when you give these plastic lumps a second chance in life.

      Thanks for your kind words!

  2. OK, that's quite a hell of a job, but I totally agree, it's totally worth of it!

    1. Si, I think the fact they are so half assed makes the final product to feel even better once you make the stop looking so cutre 😅 I mean... nowadays' GW almost paint themselves as they have plenty of crisp details, hard edges and textures opposed to these soft detail toys.

    2. I'm convinced that that style is intended specifically to work with products like their washes and the new contrast paints, so that any idiot can produce a passable paint job. Which is good, because I want any idiot out there to be happy with the figures they've painted and to take joy in this, rather than frustration.

      I'd say that hopefully it doesn't generate frustration later, when people try to use the same techniques on other figures that aren't as accommodating... but I bet that the majority of people who buy a GW box probably rarely buy figures from another manufacturer. Still, anything that gets people painting and enjoying it 🤷‍♂️🙂

  3. Speech 💯

    I always thought the same thing, even that epilogue about people not stepping outside GW's lines. But yeah... I can feel how the hobby evolved to dodge most part of the frustration product-wise so sense of reward is as high as it can be.

    I still remember the enamels' era, no Internet... whoever discovered a trick was going to either keep the secret to his last breath or brag about it for months.

  4. Estas minis venían pre pintadas?

    1. Si, como el culo: con un dedo de pintura enamel seguramente (tapando el escaso detalle como el surco entre los dedos) y en plástico gomoso, con líneas de molde que no salen bien por la elasticidad del material.

      Además el modelo de negocio era (es) vendertelas como juego coleccionable. En cajas sorpresa para que tengas 5 supermanes pero que te salga el amigo de Robin que comía flanes pero daba hostias como panes, ese sale 1 de cada 20 cajas precintadas juntas. Vamos que si compras de caja en caja sale entre nunca y jamás.

      Recientemente las venden en blister sin pintar, para coleccionistas.

      La gracia del juego es que los stats vienen en la base impresos y la vida es un dial: cua to mueves, cuanto atacas, cuanto defiendes y el daño, cada número está codificado con un color ergo ataque 5 en rojo puede ser explosivo, movimiento verde que vuela... El dial representa cosas como por ejemplo a hulk que cuanto más le giras el dial (lo acercas al KO) más suben sus stats de combate y cosas así.

      Tengo 4 terminados esperando a que me siente a sacar "buenas fotos" y la verdad... para ser figuras que pueden costarte por muy debajo del euro pueden quedar muy resultonas. Luego la gente como loca pagando cientos de euros por el zombicide marvel...

    2. ...a raíz de retocarlas (2003) me he animado a adquirir más. Acabo de hacer números y me salen a 0,60€ la unidad. Teniendo en cuenta que existe un mercado como el de magic (aunque heroclix no está muy en auge) algunas de esas figuras a coste 0,60 pueden llegar a tener un valor de hasta 30€ si quieres comprarlas sueltas.

    3. No tenía ni idea de todo esto. Me he puesto a leer más y no sé cómo nunca había visto nada

  5. Hey Javi, I don't know what you're up to right now, but happy Christmas to you and yours!
