Tuning Rubber Toys

Recently got few of those italian soft rubber toys called Gormiti. I admit I love those as they are perfect for my needs (about 5cm tall and really cartoonish-chuncky) and to figure out what to do with the random ones found in a pack is kinda fun.. As my regular minis are about 2cm tall, beasties like that are great for gigantic stuff as demons, etc.

This one was just red rubber awfully colored orange at its head, knees, elbows and claws. It featured embossed "china" in one of its legs, "CE" on its back and the ussual mould flash found in cheap toys. After scrapping and sanding it all, filled the neck's and arms gaps with vallejo acrylic putty, modelled the 2nd row of dipping lava on its back and fixed strage blobs/warps found at its left side of shoulder and face.

Now, that toonish lava elemental (would be great for Crucible wargame) is ready for painting, hopefully next weekend.

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Hace nos dias conseguí 5 muñecos de goma italianos, los infames Gormiti. Lo admito, me encanta (pese a que lo que te viene es algo aleatorio y pensar como aprobecharlo es un arduo pero divertido ejercicio). Miden unos 5 cm asi que para mis miniaturas de narizones son gigantes, perfectos para demonios o en este caso, elementales.

El interfecto era de goma roja con la cabeza, codos, rodillas y garras pintadas en naranja y las típicas lineas de molde y las palabras china y CE en altorelieve en la pierna y espalda. Despues de raspar con una cuchila y lijarlo todo apliqué masilla líquida para tapar las juntas del cuello y brazos, modelé con la misma la segunda fila de goteo de lava, le di un repaso a algo raro que tenia en la cara/hombro, mas lija y listo para pintar, esperemos que la semana que viene.

Mucha palabrería ya que no hago esto todo lo a menudo que quisiera. En breva, un elemental bien majo, ideal para una partidilla de Crucible.

7 comentarios:

  1. Un ejercicio la mar de interesante de aprovechamiento y adaptacion ^o^

    1. Si la gente supiera lo "aprovechables" que son algunos juguetes infantiles... ya esta pintado, el fin de semana que viene le pongo base y a fotografi-arrr!

  2. Ya hace tiempo personalizaste un árbol de gormiti... a ver que tal este ;)

    Y si... hay cosas muy aprovechables, sobre todo en los kinder ... o_O

  3. Viva el reciclaje.... jajaja, en este caso reclicarte

    Muy chulo.

  4. Hey... did you ever paint this guy? I'm also curious how the filling and touching-up process worked with the material - usually rubbery figures are impossible to work with.

    1. It was easier than expecter... some fine grade sandpapers, then Vallejo bottled "plastic putty" then more sanding. Complete sucess, as it's painted by now. I'd say next week I'll be able to take some pics.

    2. Aw yiss. Looking forward to it :)
