Ultimamente estoy enfrascado (y agonizando ya) con una figura basicamente pintada en tres colores; VMC Azul marina orcuro 70898 (similar al verde angeles oscuro) y el segundo una mezcla de azul ultramarine (VGC) + gris verde VMC 70866 + negro VGC... el tercer color en discordia uno claro ahi que invertí horas en pruebas sin terminar satisfecho del todo. La primera prueba terminó siendo ese verde palido y la segunda y creo que definitiva, el azulado.
Ademas he estado de compras; masilla plastica (2.40 eur) para arreglar un despropósito de textura cortesía de shapeways, VMC oily steel (acero engrasado, 2.40 ) ya que desde hace mas de una decada no compro metalizados y me merzco algo mas que un mithril silver añejo y reseco y por ultimo acuarelas al agua vallejo, en particular azul marino (1.90). Un experimento mio para tintar areas y sombrear.
Bueno y shellsock 2 para xbox... zombies en vietnam por 6 euros, porque no?
Lately I've been into something that is consuming my time and kinda pissing me off. I can't get no satisfation finding my 3rd basic color for a model basically painted in VMC dark sea blue and a mix of VMC grey green and VGC ultramarine blue + VGC black. The gree one was my 1st attept, the blueish was the 2nd.
I also treated myself with plastic putty (2.40 eur) to smooth a graini surface on a miniature that was 3d printed by shapeways, VMC oily steel (2.40 eur) , since I havent had any metal in the last decade and a half so my mithril silver is just too old to be fancy anymore. Oh, vallejo liquid watercolors - navy blue one (1.90). My recen experiment on dramatic shading + weird glazing. Put a drop of a dark tone, let it dry, the use a wet brush to clean it, creating instant blending. Ta-dah!
Oh, and shellshok 2 for my xbox (6 euros for a sealed game about zombies in vietnam, why not?)