Basado en el esquema de color de los saltamontes (shin kamen rider) Vallejo model y game color, incluidas patinas verdin y humo ademas de warlock purple, boltgun metal, ork flesh wash de las antiguas citadel (antes del cambio de bote a balas de bolter)
Way better seen live than in pic, it's based on grasshopper color scheme (shin kamen rider) Vallejo model and game color, including smokeand verdigris glace plus warlock purple, boltgun metal, ork flesh wash from the old citadel paints range ( pre hard plastic bolter shell like pots )
Este es el aspecto definitivo del bicho, listo para pintar. Os dejo que os maravilleis con el intrincado detalle (mayormente en el culo, justo la parte que queda debajo) y una preview de una peana. Mañana nuevo post: miñatura pintá.
.: laZyMinis:.
This is the way my bug ended looking, six limbed and with pincers ready to be painted. Now rejoyce on its intrincate sculpt (mostly at the bottom where you can't see if you don't flip the mini) and a preview 20mm base. Tomorrow I'll post ye ol' painted tiny fella.