Un demoño bastante tradicional. No usé color dorado (otro experimento de los mios). La baja ha sido poco fructifera (me he entretenido en toser y escupir basicamente) espero retomar el ritmo. Por lo pronto: felices fiestas y prospero año nuevo.
A very traditional colored (and shaped) dmon. Free factoid: no gold color was actually used here (yeah, me and my waste-of-time color experiments). Since I've been sick for 2 weeks there isn't much new coming. By the way, merry x-mas to everyone and have a happy new year.
Policía rebelde para el juego de mesa batallitas. Hecho por encargo según especificaciones del cliente. Es un 50% mas pequelo en la vida real asi que los casquillos parece que vuelan. Trabajo de chinos. Milagro que el PC aguante para subir las fotos. Saludos.
A cop of the rebel kind, long haired and all that stuff... Made for the tabletop game Batallitas. Comission work. It's 50 % smaller in real life than it's in life so the bullets feel like flying out the gun, as customer wanted. A labor of love for thebullet shells part. A miracle my Pc didn't crah in the time I uploaded the pics. Cheers.
Trabajillo a comision. Unpoli reverde. Una lastima deshacerse de ella, al final le dedique mas horas de las que habia contratado. Ya esta pintada, mañana mas y mejores fotos.
Comissionwork. Typicalrebel copstereotype, long hair, etc. A pity to give t away since in the end I worked much time on it thn the money I'll be paid for. It's already painted, need to crop, etc... so expect an update tomorrow.
Bueno, pues eso. Un Dmoño clasico (excepto que no tiene rabo). Masilla verde y milliput. Lo pinto de color...? Saludos
And now, for something completely different... a Dmon. A very classic depiction indeed, cept for the lack of pointy tail. made out of Milliput and greenstuff. May I paint it in...? Cheers.
Si, esta es la minitura del verano pasado (Defensor de las Termopilas) ... pintada ahora. Dato curioso; no he usado ni color oro ni pegamento.
A medio caballo ente el comic y la realidad (la parte que vi en el museo) Sin armadura corporal. Los metalicos pasaron de ser marrones metalicos a dorado gastado a cobrizo y ha acabado en... esto. Espero que os guste.
I Know what you did last summer (ye spartan)... Yeah, ok this is last summer's miniature... painted today. Factoids include that no gold color was used here nor a drop of glue.
Half the real one half the comic one this guy has no armor faceplate and metals were a bit overdone resulting into to much time spent on almost regular results. First it as metallic brown (own recipe) then golden, then cooper... and now this. Hope you like it.
Otro Zombie al que sencillamente llamo el tio peludo al que apuñalaron traperamente con un helado de fresa y el lumbreras del forense no miró detras antes de hacer la autopsia para conocer la causa de la muerte. Vale, tambien lo podeis llamar el zombie de la morgue.
Dedicado a todos los medicos incompetentes y a los rusos en general (spasiva!), que suelen pasar frio todo el año.
Another zombie wich I junst call the hairy guy that got stabbed with an ice cream but noone noticed why he was dead until the authopsy was done. Mkay, just call him morgue zombie.
Decicated to incompetent medics in general and the people from Russia (spasiva!), they sure are cool even in summer.
Otro zombie. Se parece un poco a loquillo, por las curras y el tupe, supongo. Cadaver reanimado tras su autopsia (como podemos ver por la cicatriz con forma de "Y"). No esta pintada aun, es "asi". Dedicada a Oscar, del curro.
Another zombie. Kinda looks a bit rockabilly due to its hairdo. Reanimated corpese after its autopsy (as you cann see it has the "Y" shaped scar -and strapples- on its chest). No it is not painted (yet), the mini was sculpted as is. To Oscar who provided me some neat stuff.
Enhorabuena a todos los fanáticos del futbol y los bocinazos, la selección española campeona 2008.
Pieza de suelo alienígena realmente antigua, no está esculpida por mi. Hay 3 modelos mas, y tengo cada modelo x2. Hace muuuuchos años pinté una sección de suelo intentando ser "cool" con colores oscuros y verdosos, pero ahora que soy mas (in)maduro he pensado hacerlo a la antigua: si es alienígena usemos los colores que normalmente no gastamos.
Me lo pasé muy bien pintando la dichosa pieza descatalogada
Congrats to soccer noisy followers, Spain won the 2008 cup. I don't care that much but,well...
Alien floor tile, OOP from F.forge. A blast from the past. I got a 6 pack with 3 different ones repeated once. Long long time ago in a far galaxy I painted one of those gritty and "kewl" primed in black and all dark green, yellow and moody but now I'm more (n)mature I decided to go the old way: if it's alien lets paint it in bright colors, specially the ones we don't use anywhere else.
Inspirado en La Cosa de J.Carpenter. Me resulta entre graciosa y mona. La peana se derritió deformándose y asi que limar y pegar los restos en una nueva al canto. La carne la pinte con tonos irregulares, para experimentar...En fin.
J.Carpenter's the (head) Thing. IMO the eyes coming out the nose make it kinda fun/cute. Tryed an irregular skintone. 20mm base warped due to everheat so I had to trim it away and stick the remains on a new. Se la vie.
Que cojones es esa cosa !? Pues es...una cabeza. Para mas señas y por si aun no lo habeis hecho, dadle un repaso a La Cosa de John Carpenter. Los ojos brotaban de otro orificio pero este me ha parecido mas divertido. He puesto el bicho del reves en una foto para deleite propio y ajeno.Saludos!
What the hell is that thing !? Well actually it's a head. Go watch (specially If you never did before) John Carpenter's The Thing. Of course the eyes emerged from the throat like the legs but I found nose's were a funnier ones to pop out from. I've put the bugger upside down on a pic for better viewing. Cheers!