New pics on the block


OK, that was a weird experiment and at final stages is unoticeable but once it was basecoated twice with watered down foundation flesh paint (GW citadel or whatever it's called nowadays) I used vallejo liquid watercolor.

Watercolors aren't recommended for miniature painting due to its poor adherence but had the chance to try them and that kinda worked. I washed one half of him sepia and the sick side scarlet red. It dryed chalky but again due its poor adherence you can clean almost all the watercolor off the model (rubbing with the finger i.e.)

Bottom line is that watercolors gave the sick part a very subtle warm undercolor preventing posterior green glazes (one of them straigh with vallejo aircolor range paints) to take over the fleshtone and put some olive like shades to parts like the healtyer hand and elbow.

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Experimento rarillo que es practicamente inapreciable en las etapas finales. Tras una doble capa base de un tono carne (foundation, las espesas de GW) diluido le di un baño de acuarela al agua vallejo.

Por norma debe evitarse usar acuarelas para pintar miniaturas dada su pobre adherencia y cobertura, cosa que intenté usar en mi favor. Una vez secas, la mitad sana siendo sepia y la otra rojo escarlata, limpie la acuarela de la figura pasando simplemente el dedo o un pincel sobre ella.

Al final lo que consegui es que tras los diversos lavados verdes en la parte mas enferma del zombie aun se apreciasen los tonos carne y que la mitad mas sana, por llamarlo algo, tubiera unas sombras bastante dramaticas en una tonalidad oliva -resultado de la acuarela sepia-  por la zona del codo y mano.


Un tío normal y corriente. O no.

Average Joe. Ok, maybe he's not.


Esculpida por JOORDU pintada por mi hará una década y media.

Sculpted by JOORDU and painted by me like a decade and a half ago.


Escultura de edición limitada por JOORDU pintada por mi a finales de los 90.
Dedicada a Jose Orrego.
Limited edition sculpt (OOP) by JOORDU painted by me in the late 90s.
Dedicated to Jose Orrego.


Babosa-Demoño RoScHa de mugre (piedra-papel-tijera).

Parodia de bestia demoñaca de nugrel ©® y demas de quien ya sabeis... pero de aquel olvidado primer modelo de ojos saltones :) Reutilicé el milliput sobrante de las peanas de los sectarios dandole forma gusanil y textura y utilice kneadatite (masilla verde) y nural 21 para el resto.


Dmon-Slug RoScHa (rock-scisors-hand).

Parody of the very 1st demmoonic beast of "nugrel" ©® of who you might already know... love the older minis with that wacky feel to them :) It was created using the spare milliput from the cultists bases, shaped wormly and textured, then detailed with kneadatite (greenstuff) and nural 21.