Esculpido con sculpey y...montado pieza a pieza! Si, esculpi las piezas por separado y luego construi el robot. Solo me ha faltado ponerle un cerebro. Me dio infinitos problemas pero a su vez ha sido divertido y satisfactorio resultado.
.: laZyMinis :.
Aw, crap! I severed my dragon's head (and it was a gift FOR my girlfriend). Its nose also got somewhat desintegrated. I also accidentally chopped my las creation's head; the Mandroid.
Fortunatedly he has no feelings nor remore at all. This mchanical maniac was all made out of sculpey wich as alwas was a pain to work with (I still recommend it for some jobs) I worry not, Greenstuff and milliput are on the way. I literally constructed him; sculpted eahc piece separatedly and then played to be Dr. Fronkonstin. This guy was funny to work at some moments and I love the final results.