Fun process of blue (bigger) horror. They are supposed to be insanely frolicking all the time hence the raving attitude. It looked awesome armless but had to finish it. This fellow is already painted so stay tuned as I'll be taking pics and updating anytime soon. If anyone was guessing, it was done in premo and sculpey III.
Have a nice weekend BTW and don't stop raving.
Proceso del horror mas grande (azul) bastante jachondo. Se supone que están retozando alocadamente todo el rato de ahí que esté dándolo todo. Molaba mucho sin brazos, pero tuve que terminarlo :) Ya está pintado asín que no sus vayais mu' lejos que en brevas le saco fotos y actualizo. Está hecha con la masilla preferida de los gitanos, el "premo" y un poquillo de sculpey III.
Buen fin de semana, no olvidéis de darlo to'