...It came from The Last Hour of The Last Day
(of the month... of DOOM!!)





laZyMinis se enorguyece en presentarles (tachang!) al Elemental de residuos nucleares, tambien conocido como el infame Pollo Radiactivo.

La idea nacio en mi puesto de trabajo el cual ultimamente no abandono ni para dormir. Es un poco injusto que hay elementales en la fantasia pero no en la ciencia ficcion, asi que aqui tenemos al primeo de una serie por venir.

Barriles oxidados y agrietados que han ido rezumando moquete toxico hasa que el mejunje se hizo un blob de esos que moran las masmorras y se papean la basurilla (y a los aventureros despitados). Posiblemente la radiacion de este bicharraco ( el bastardo esta sobre una base de 60mm, esto es, 3x3 peanas cuadradas normales no la tipica peana de monstro de 40x40) mostrenco por naturaleza, pueda animar cadaveres (sin quererlo) haciendo zombis radiactivos. Etc...

Notese el moquete en si y per se que es el bicho. Ese aspecto gelatinoso me ha costado dias hasta las tantas e incluso momentos antes de salir al curro. Buf! ah... brilla!

.: laZyMinis:.

laZyMinis proudly presents (tadah!) the Nuclear Waste Elemental, a.k.a. the infamous nuke chiken.

lately I spend my whole life @ work (even saturdays) so the idea came when I took a pencil and started drawing stuff. It's kinda unfair elementals are exclusive to fantasy so here they come my sci-fi elementals.

Just think a bunch of rusted and cracked toxic waste drums that dripped enough stuff to form a rising blob under them. The concept is close to the blobs that roam dungeons eating (dissolving) rubbish and eventually unaware adventurers.

This guy really oozes (it took me so damn long time to make him this way) and also glows. Forgot to mention that this bastard is huge, its base is a custom 60mm instead of the usual 40mm square monster base. That's it, 3 x 3 small square bases. That guy's rad sure arises the dead or something. It took me so much time I dont even care about the buff =)

More pics coming next week. Cya!

True Colors (repeat)

Pulsad sobre las diferentes fases de color rojo para ver mas imagenes de Marte. Bueno, no es marte, es (mas o menos) el paso a paso de una mini.

Llegados al rojo 2 el tono era PERFECTO con un degradado mas suave que el culo de un bebe y sin enrosecer ni anaranjar.

Pero Hellboy en los comics tiene un color mas apagado asi que hubo una enesima tanda de tintas. La proxima entrada sera un sorpreson de peso.


So, click on the extreme close-ups of Mars to see more... Well in fact it's a step by step on reds. The second red was the best red I've ever did and I'll ever do.

Flawless bending as smooth as babies' ass and there where no traces of losing base color ( it turning too orange or pink when highlighting ) It was done with red and yellow inks. In the end I hated to do so but kicked back a bit the reds by using a couple of red glazes, just to get the same color the comic has.

Still the pics sux and doesn't show well the reality. Hope you like 'em. Soon I'll post the meaner mini made to date, stay tuned.