Watch your step


Beri crismas manueeeé !! Para aquellos que no lo sepan ( quizas por no tener perro o por ser unos soberanos cerdos ) un PIPICAN es donde en teoria los buenos y civicos ciudadanos llevan a su chucho a que levante la pata. El zombie desafortunado pensaria "hoy no debiera haberme levantado" tubiera ojos !! Nunca se sabe cuando va a haber un cementerio indio (mnn, idea!) bajo la parcela que compraste...

Acrilicos vallejo, tintas y metalicos citadel (viejos) y el cesped es algo funky, cesped electoestatico para wargames, con una manita de barniz satinado diluido con agua para endurecerlo, pincel seco amarillo, blanco, tinta verde orco y un par mas de pinceladas. Si no so parezco suficientemente idiota aun, los tonos de pellejo empiezan con una base verde gris oscuro y acaban asi!

.: laZyMinis :.

For those not aware of what a PIPICAN (you dirty citizens) it's the place where, at least where I live, the good boys go for a walk with his/her dog so it can attend nature's call without claymore mining the sidewalks. I made the signal to look really cheap and added a "watch your step" (wich should be conveniently placed on the actual panels) just for the fun. This unlucky zombie would sure think "I'd better not have got up today".

Vallejo model/game color, old citadel metals and inks were used on this fellow. The funky grass (it has to naturally grow there with so much fertilizer) is actually wargaming grass. I burshed a layer of satin varnish thinned with water to make it harder, then drybrushed yellow, white, washed with orc flesh wash... yeah, I'm that stupid. I even start the zombie skintones with dark green grey and end up with this. Doh.

Happy Meal


Otro viejo amigo por fin acabado. Imprimacion blanca y Vallejo Model Color, con algunas tintas y metalicos citadel. Las baldosas del suelo quizas necesiten pincel seco para realzarlas mas. El zombie suertudo ha encontrado comida y se dispone a almorzarsela tenedor en mano!

.: laZyMinis :.

Another oldie sitting on the table to be painted. I used white citadel primer, Vallejo Model color, few gamecolor and citadel old inks and metals. Maybe the floor need a bit of drybrush to make it stand out and look more rocky. This lucky zombie just found a meal and is ready to lunch it helping himself with a fork. Who said zombies have no manners?

Most colorful zombie ever?


Posiblemente el zombie mas colorido ( Colorful !!1! Colorful!!1! ;) que haya visto. La elección de colores usados es todo un misterio para mi, asi que no me pregunteis :) Lo unico que tenia claro es que era un chaval zombie skater, como los de los videos de Avril La Vixen, de ahi el tipo de atuendo y calzado el cual si tenia pensado que fuera blanco. Por fin acabado. Con suerte en lugar de empezar algo acabare loas 4 proyectos abiertos que tengo sobre la mesa a poder ser, antes el 2007 (ni yo me lo creo). Feliz navidad a todos (?).

.: laZyMinis :.

Maybe this one is the most ridiculously colorful ( Colorful !!1! Colorful!!1! ;) that I've ever seen. The color palette choices are a mystery even to me :) The only think I had on my mind beforehand start painting was that he should look like a skater zombie kid, you know the ones like Avril La Vixen videos and such :P thus the gear I sculpted and the shoes wich I already decided were going to be white. Done at last, hope to finish the other 4 projects already started and sitting on my workbench... maybe before 2007 arrives (ha!). Oh, and merry Xmas to everyone out there (?)