Ha pasado un mes desde el ultimo post y que tenemos aqui ? Al Rey. Un dia me dije " I wanna be startin' something" y pensaba en las lineas que iba a tocar; bandas callejeras, yakuzas, mafiosos... mafiosos ? quien seria el lider de escuadra ? Se encendio la luz, o la baldosa que estaba pisando yo que se... para colmo de males hoy me llego un paquetito de ebay que daba por perdido desde hace meses asi que "YU-HUUUUU!" (por supuesto sosteniendome el paquete y no me refiero al que trajo el cartero ;)
Espero que os guste mi Smooth Criminal. Solo tengo una duda... lo pintare Blanco o...Negro? Permaneced atentos porque estoy preparando un articulo con fotos paso a paso de como realice esta mini.
I's been a month since my last post so here we go; One day I was sitting and staring at nothing (that's a thing I sadly do too often to my taste) and it came to my mind. "Dude, I wanna be startin' something". I started to think about the ranges of minis I would be working on (near future setting) and gangsters were a natural choice.
Ok we got yakuzas, mobsters... Then the special character / squad leader was the next thing I brainstrmed about but again I had the solution in front of my nose screaming Beat it! (and ya-ho-hoooing while grabbing his nutsack - a thing I actually did myself today to a point of breaking all the windows, when recived stuff from ebay I believed to be lost forever) so people amaze in the sight of the King, the Smooth Criminal. Believe me I've rubbed him down for extreme putty holy smoothness! Hope you like it guys (in case there is someone)
Now... Should I paint him Black or White? :D Stay tuned for a step by step sculpting tutorial with tons of pics (that why it took me too long to complete the mini, you bastards)