More shots of my infamous plastic sprue marine...er I meant... :) Please note that the shoulders, specially its right one, and the helmet pay homage to some lead guys we all (or at least all shall do) know. I'm talking about The Old Ones, from The Company That Should Not Be Mentioned, also known as "The Ones That Came Before The Plastics" Ok, enough lovecraftesque stupidity. May I paint him Dork Angels' green (in fact he should be back...green WAS for salamanders) or Flood Angels' red? Red, green... 2 of the mex (hey, we Spanish people also have right to consider 'em funny) flag colors. White will go for the Death-Ring company (yup, mariachi's that got married) If you missed you can see the original post + explanation on him on 2006's February archive. Cheers.