Space Mariachi, one more time!

Mas vistas del Mariachi espacial. Nótese que el casco y las hombreras son de lo mas clásico, sobretodo la de SU brazo derecho. Con sacar el molde de uno y hacer un sargento ya tendria para un par de escuadras. Lo pintaré rojo ? Lo pintaré verde ? ...Lo pintaré ? :) Por si alguien se lo perdió, el posto original esta en el archivo de febrero.

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More shots of my infamous plastic sprue I meant... :) Please note that the shoulders, specially its right one, and the helmet pay homage to some lead guys we all (or at least all shall do) know. I'm talking about The Old Ones, from The Company That Should Not Be Mentioned, also known as "The Ones That Came Before The Plastics" Ok, enough lovecraftesque stupidity. May I paint him Dork Angels' green (in fact he should be WAS for salamanders) or Flood Angels' red? Red, green... 2 of the mex (hey, we Spanish people also have right to consider 'em funny) flag colors. White will go for the Death-Ring company (yup, mariachi's that got married) If you missed you can see the original post + explanation on him on 2006's February archive. Cheers.

Memoria Virtual

esas manos quietas que te veoBien, veamos que hay tras la puerta numero tres... le acaba de tocar un mech diesel biplaza, 4 puertas!

Queriamos un pisito pero bueno, nos conformamos con la Meca-raña ! Los vertices y aristas que se ven blancos es cosa del brillo por el flash... en vivo y en directo parece otra cosa (mucho mejor).

Ha dado mucho por culo el cacharro este, sobretodo a ANG que es la que se pega los dedos ;)
Reto a cualquier armatoste de asalto a un combate contra este trasto del que el mismisimo Masamune Shirow tendria envidia cochina.

Space mariachi (del capitulo de los angeles sedientos; tu ponles la botella cerca que veras cuanto dura) para referencia de escala Mariachis no incluidos!
La agenda viene a ser: 1- sesion de fotos del marine 2- proyecto secreto finalizado, 3- tutorial con fotos paso a paso (casi) del proyecto secreto. Efectivamente, tardo tanto porque voy sacando fotos. 4- pa cagarse, un reto interactivo a todos los visitantes de este blog, ojo, con premio!

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Let's see what we have here... it's actually a paper model that was more difficult to assemble that it might seem since some pieces are really small and polygons used are not your average cereal box type or piramyds. The front cannon is like 2 mm high so just imagine to flod and glue this little bastard. It took too many time and effort, including ANG's help (shame on me, actually it was me helping her, who works @ packaging stuff and does pretty well).

It really stands out when seeing it live (pics do not do justice to it) and feels right next to my cartoon style sculpted minis. My paper Mechspider would make Masamune Shirow be jelaous for sure.

Next you'll see more pics of my Space Mariachi, my Ultra Secret Project (in fact all my projects are) and then a tutorial pic by pic about how I made it. Yeah that's why it's taking me a lifetime to end, coz the pics I'm taking for you bastards!

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Y quien es el?

cuanta piezaY a que dedica el tiempo libreeeee? Somos españoles no? No? No os dire quien es El, pero si a que dedico mi tiempo libre. 2 tardes de domingo y 3 horas repartidas en 3 dias, para esto. Prefiero modelar, tengo resultados mas rapidos, y mejores ( y eso que yo no he sido la que se ha pegado los dedos con el cianocrilato ). No he tocado el pegamento de hecho... asi que Gracias ;) A ver si lo acabamos pronto (uso el plural porque yo tambien voy haciendo cosillas) y me dedico por fin a concluir mi proyecto. Por si alguien no lo ve claro, esas son las piezas de mi meca-raña !
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Rejoyce as I'm showing you the paper pieces that once assembled will become my Mechspider so keep an eye on the next post. Toonish chunky resin mini for scale purposes.