Anung Un Rama

La mano derecha del destino, la mano de piedra de hellboy el demonio de piedra pomez rojiza! Si, con su colita, sus cuernos, etc...


The right hand of Doom, the stone hand of hellboy,the red pumice skinned demon! He's got his tail, his horns...



Mi version de Hellboy de por si era suficientemente mona pero, y el chiste ? Bueno, siendo un demonio que reniega de ello, y teniendo esas portadas sobre una roca y marañas de tentaculos acabo por ocurrirseme que lo del ex-compañero haciendole burla, en este caso "cuernos".

Las fotos de pena, lo cual solucionare en futuros posts.


My version of Hellboy was IMHO cute enough but it had to be a joke on the piece so it came to my mind the covers where he's on a rock surrounded by tentacles.

Naturally him disowning his demonic family sure make Hellboy a target of mocking from other demons, like this who made horns on his head when he was sayin "CHEESEEE!" Colors look terrible on those pics, I'l fix that on later posts.


Farewell, Tim. (Adios)

Finito. Acrylicos Vallejo y 4 o 5 citadel color antiiiiguos. Tintas sigo usando las antiguas de citadel.

Le tengo bastante cariño a TIM el Templario, pero es un regalo, asi que... en fin. El metalico de la armadura iene matices en azul para darle un toque mas frio al acero y de paso medio simula el reflejo de la piel azul del dragon.

Desde la base a lo mas alto, 4,5 cm. el dragon unos 2 cm de pies a cabeza y Tim mide algo menos de 1 cm.



Not much to comment here. I hate to kiss him goodbye but Tim the Templar was born as a gift. I've used few old citadel color stuff, like blue ink wash and the rest were Vallejo model and game color.

I gave the armor a thinned blue wash so it look like reflecting the blue from the skin of the dragon plus the steel looks colder. Tim is less than 1 cm. high, the trago measures roughly 2 cm and the whole thing from the base to the top of the dragon is like 4,5cm.

More stuff coming hopefuly soon, cheers!





Listo, con un poco de milliput, no solo he reparado mi mini diorama sino que lo he mejorado. Ahora el caballero TIM es v.0.5.1.

Espero que como a mi, os parezca mejor y de paso teneis un WIP apra que veais por donde iran los tiros. Mas novedades, muy muy pronto.

.: laZyMinis :.

A little of milliput did the trick. Not just the dragon is repaired but TIM the templar has been upgraded to v.0.5.1 ! Love this diorama and hope you like the repairs/changes. Also the WIP pic helps you imagine how it's coming out. Cheers.





Una serie de catastroficas desdichas; decapito al dragon, la nariz se le pulveriza... y le arranco de cuajo la cabeza a mi ultima creacion; el Mandroide.

Esculpido con sculpey y...montado pieza a pieza! Si, esculpi las piezas por separado y luego construi el robot. Solo me ha faltado ponerle un cerebro. Me dio infinitos problemas pero a su vez ha sido divertido y satisfactorio resultado.

.: laZyMinis :.

Aw, crap! I severed my dragon's head (and it was a gift FOR my girlfriend). Its nose also got somewhat desintegrated. I also accidentally chopped my las creation's head; the Mandroid.

Fortunatedly he has no feelings nor remore at all. This mchanical maniac was all made out of sculpey wich as alwas was a pain to work with (I still recommend it for some jobs) I worry not, Greenstuff and milliput are on the way. I literally constructed him; sculpted eahc piece separatedly and then played to be Dr. Fronkonstin. This guy was funny to work at some moments and I love the final results.


Kill a dragon - Get the rose - Bang a princess. Repeat.



Ademas de una rosa (azul) este fue mi regalo del dia de San Jorge (Sant Jordi) dia muy celebrado en cataluña. El dragon sera azul.

La base es la tapa de un bote de nescafe... descafeinado. El tiparraco es la version 0.5 de TIM un personaje que quiero desarrollar. Mide alrededor de 6mm (el dragon un poco mas, como se puede comprobar) asi que haceos una idea general del tamaño. No? usad la foto de referencia.

Modelado en 3 horas con supersculpey, la peor opcion ya que todo el tiempo trabaje sobre una base blanda que destruia a medida que esculpia otras partes. En fin, le pedire masilla verde a los reyes.

Tengo otra mini lista para ser fotografiada y... asi que permaneced atentos.


Saint George's day is kinda important in Barcelona. Boys give roses to girls and they buy books for us. You know, George killed the dragon and it's blood spawned a rose wich was given to the princess... This year my choice was a blue rose, and this diorama. The dragon will be blue.

TIM the knight is roughly 6mm high not counting the rock he's on and everything was sculped out of sculpey (suckfor this scale since I worked all the thime with a non solid armature) in 3 hours. The base is a Nescafe cofee cap. See reference pic below for scale.

Actually I finished another mini. I just have to glue it to a base, prime and shot few pics. Stay tuned!

A fatal exception has ocurred

Una pieza de escenografia de los 90, descatalogada. Es de resina. Iluminacion dinamica (el brillo de los monitores en el mueble y algunas cosas mas que no se ven bien en la foto.

Perfecto como ciberterminal o algo asi. Tras la foto se ha aplicado barniz brillante a as pantallas. Si... hay cosas que son intrinsecas en las computadoras (BSD). Ayer, hoy y siempre.

.: laZyMinis:.

A minor update. A resin sci-fi furniture (cyberterminal or whatever) from the outer space. Well, from the 90s and OOP. Still avaliable thru other manufacturer that actually recasted it.

My first source lighting ever, ruined by varnishing before it was totally dry. In fact it's not that bad-looking. If something remains in the far future, the blue screen of death will be it for sure.

Pac Man



LaZyMinis cumple hoy un año en la red. Recordais el tiritanido ? Os presento a la Cria de tiritanido !

No es mas que una boca con col y patas recien salida del güebo pero a la que se almuerce a algun colono despistado crecera hasta ser un alien hecho y derecho.

La base es de 20mm como siempre, asi que como os podeis imaginar es un retaco. Forma parte de la raza alienigena que tengo bocetada desde tiempos remotos. Algun dia, mas minis...

.: laZyMinis :.

Well, laZyminis has been arround the web for a year, thanks everyone who supported me checking this site and comenting.

Do you remember my tird or second posted mini, the Tearanid (their nails tear armor like a katana would do to butter) ? Well this is how I envisioned a Baby Tearanid.

Tearanids were at first a joke on genestealers (oh, those space hulk old days) then I added bits of coralon and other alien races from games and movies (anyone else loved natural selection, the half life mod ?) to end up having an alien race on its own rights all over my sketchbook. Hope to be able to sculpt some more.

Don't let it bite your weakly armored butt.