He tomado como referencia ilustraciones, libros de aerografia, la vida real incluso... al final me decante por un cartel de cine (tematica cyberpunk).
Creo que deberia añadir brillos en blanco simulando el efecto de la luz natural sobre el cristal y barnizarlo con esmalte de uñas o con varias capas de barniz brillante.
Es mi primer SENMM y de hecho mi 4 figuran pintada desde que deje el modelismo hace tiempo. Esta demasiado recargado para lo que es el estilo y deberia simplemente pintar los cristales de mis vehiculos negros con algun brillo en gris y barniz brillante?
My fourth mini painted since my 90's break and my first SENMM try. Thanks for all your suggestions. Maybe I'll just glaze it again with black, a couple of times... then varnish it glossy or propably will use those fingernail extra thick and glossy products. Before doing I might add thinned white slashes or dots to create natural light reflections where it bounces on the windshield surface.
What do you thin guys, it's way too overdone for that cartoony style / it's poorly done even for a first try ... so better paint my windshields black bending some white reflections and then gloss varnish 'em (simpler than my SENMM approach) ?
I've checking artbooks, ilustrations, real life examples, airbrush books (and of course all the pics and tutorials suggested) but finally the pic that came handy was a ciberpunk style movie poster.
Here is a reference pic of the colour scheme I'm using yet, since it's cyberpunk oriented I might add the typical NY cab back-white checker side strip.