Bueno, en exclusiva, una rareza los primero pinitos; mientras yo remataba el Cthulhu de 10mm visto hace un par de entradas, ANG (mi Robin particular) se puso a "jugar" con el Granitex del Señor de la Noche.
A continuacion fotos de un Dark Young de Sub-niggurath (atentos que ni ha visto ilustraciones ni ha leido nada de Lovecraft) modelado a partir de lo que empezo siendo un ramillete de tientaculos. De propina un signo ancestral, imitacion del modelado por un servidor. Todo fue destruido tras la toma de fotos.
.: laZyMinis :.
Ok, that's pretty an exclusive since it's the first work of ANG, my sidekick (feels like Robin). While I was working on my 10 mm Cthulhu idol (seen 2 posts ago) she started "playing" with dark knight's Gratinex.You are looking at a Dark Young of Sub-Niggurath. Please note she never read a single sentence from Lovecraft nor seen a ilustration of those beasts. Inspired by the sole gameplay from the collectible card game it started as a bunch of tentacles. Also she imited my Elder sign. Everything was destroyed (knead) just after taking the pics. She really is my girl-wonder.