March of the Pics

Juguete de goma semi blanda "Dinofroz Combact" de Giocci Preziosi (me salieron un par gratis, pero su precio es 7eur el par) transformado en Bestia Pesada de Dark Eden (warzone, Mutant Chronicles) de la facción Templarios.

En la portada del reglamento (asi como en los textos) las describen como bestias similates a tigres, pero en los bocetos internos se parecen mas a esto. Infinitamente. A posteriori del titanico trabajo de transformación añadi el bello Templario, una suerte de neanderthal mutado (resistente a la ponzoñasa tierra y con uñas como mejillones) armado con lanzaarpones pesado para contribuir al look tribal.

Para finalizar un truco: mezclad aguaplast con pintura, en mi caso acueralas carmesí, sepia y marrón, y obtendreis barro seco instantáneo! En general, una buena parodia de un modelo nunca producido.


I got this rubber toy called dinofroz combact from giocci preziosi for free, wich can be bought for 7 eur the pack of two and was converted to be a Dark Eden (from Mutant Chronicles' warzone universe) Templar heavy beast.

Rulebook shows and describes them as tiger-like beasts but later on the book, concept sketches can be seen resembling something quite different and since this never made it to production I wanted to stick to concep art. Once finished I added the Templar parody (Templars are neanderthal-like tribal mutated survivors used to the toxic fumes not very keen on fingernail polishing).

I'll end my megapost (this took ages to put together) with a free tip-experiment. Mix white putty (the one used for wall repairing stuff at home) with paint, red, sepia and brown watercolors in my case, and you'll get instant dry mud. Further paintjob may help too. Overall I love the chunky and goofy feeling on that parody of a never produced mini.

WIP + items

Ultimamente estoy enfrascado (y agonizando ya) con una figura basicamente pintada en tres colores; VMC Azul marina orcuro 70898 (similar al verde angeles oscuro) y el segundo una mezcla de azul ultramarine (VGC) + gris verde VMC 70866 + negro VGC... el tercer color en discordia uno claro ahi que invertí horas en pruebas sin terminar satisfecho del todo. La primera prueba terminó siendo ese verde palido y la segunda y creo que definitiva, el azulado.

Ademas he estado de compras; masilla plastica (2.40 eur) para arreglar un despropósito de textura cortesía de shapeways, VMC oily steel (acero engrasado, 2.40 ) ya que desde hace mas de una decada no compro metalizados y me merzco algo mas que un mithril silver añejo y reseco y por ultimo acuarelas al agua vallejo, en particular azul marino (1.90). Un experimento mio para tintar areas y sombrear.

Bueno y shellsock 2 para xbox... zombies en vietnam por 6 euros, porque no?


Lately I've been into something that is consuming my time and kinda pissing me off. I can't get no satisfation finding my 3rd basic color for a model basically painted in VMC dark sea blue and a mix of VMC grey green and VGC ultramarine blue + VGC black. The gree one was my 1st attept, the blueish was the 2nd.

I also treated myself with plastic putty (2.40 eur) to smooth a graini surface on a miniature that was 3d printed by shapeways, VMC oily steel (2.40 eur) , since I havent had any metal in the last decade and a half so my mithril silver is just too old to be fancy anymore. Oh, vallejo liquid watercolors - navy blue one (1.90). My recen experiment on dramatic shading + weird glazing. Put a drop of a dark tone, let it dry, the use a wet brush to clean it, creating instant blending. Ta-dah!

Oh, and shellshok 2 for my xbox (6 euros for a sealed game about zombies in vietnam, why not?)

New pics on the block


OK, that was a weird experiment and at final stages is unoticeable but once it was basecoated twice with watered down foundation flesh paint (GW citadel or whatever it's called nowadays) I used vallejo liquid watercolor.

Watercolors aren't recommended for miniature painting due to its poor adherence but had the chance to try them and that kinda worked. I washed one half of him sepia and the sick side scarlet red. It dryed chalky but again due its poor adherence you can clean almost all the watercolor off the model (rubbing with the finger i.e.)

Bottom line is that watercolors gave the sick part a very subtle warm undercolor preventing posterior green glazes (one of them straigh with vallejo aircolor range paints) to take over the fleshtone and put some olive like shades to parts like the healtyer hand and elbow.

- - -

Experimento rarillo que es practicamente inapreciable en las etapas finales. Tras una doble capa base de un tono carne (foundation, las espesas de GW) diluido le di un baño de acuarela al agua vallejo.

Por norma debe evitarse usar acuarelas para pintar miniaturas dada su pobre adherencia y cobertura, cosa que intenté usar en mi favor. Una vez secas, la mitad sana siendo sepia y la otra rojo escarlata, limpie la acuarela de la figura pasando simplemente el dedo o un pincel sobre ella.

Al final lo que consegui es que tras los diversos lavados verdes en la parte mas enferma del zombie aun se apreciasen los tonos carne y que la mitad mas sana, por llamarlo algo, tubiera unas sombras bastante dramaticas en una tonalidad oliva -resultado de la acuarela sepia-  por la zona del codo y mano.


Un tío normal y corriente. O no.

Average Joe. Ok, maybe he's not.


Esculpida por JOORDU pintada por mi hará una década y media.

Sculpted by JOORDU and painted by me like a decade and a half ago.


Escultura de edición limitada por JOORDU pintada por mi a finales de los 90.
Dedicada a Jose Orrego.
Limited edition sculpt (OOP) by JOORDU painted by me in the late 90s.
Dedicated to Jose Orrego.