Dynamic Duo


Bueno, en exclusiva, una rareza los primero pinitos; mientras yo remataba el Cthulhu de 10mm visto hace un par de entradas, ANG (mi Robin particular) se puso a "jugar" con el Granitex del Señor de la Noche.

A continuacion fotos de un Dark Young de Sub-niggurath (atentos que ni ha visto ilustraciones ni ha leido nada de Lovecraft) modelado a partir de lo que empezo siendo un ramillete de tientaculos. De propina un signo ancestral, imitacion del modelado por un servidor. Todo fue destruido tras la toma de fotos.

.: laZyMinis :.

Ok, that's pretty an exclusive since it's the first work of ANG, my sidekick (feels like Robin). While I was working on my 10 mm Cthulhu idol (seen 2 posts ago) she started "playing" with dark knight's Gratinex.

You are looking at a Dark Young of Sub-Niggurath. Please note she never read a single sentence from Lovecraft nor seen a ilustration of those beasts. Inspired by the sole gameplay from the collectible card game it started as a bunch of tentacles. Also she imited my Elder sign. Everything was destroyed (knead) just after taking the pics. She really is my girl-wonder.

That is not dead...




Primigenio en primicia a peticion del Sr. Luizda. No esta esculpido por mi, es (si no me equivoco) de mediados/finales de los noventa, made in Spain, Criaturas de Leyenda, aka Sergi Sanchez. Resina. Pintado a finales de los 90 sin saber mucho de Cthulhu ni lovecraft. Figura esculpida por mi, sobe base de 20mm como referencia.

That wasn't sculpted by me but Sergi Sanchez (aka Criaturas de Leyenda). Resin Old One that was made in Spain and painted somewhere in the mid/late 90's when I didn't know much about Lovecraft. Reference mini sculpted by me on 20mm base.

The new Great mini-Old one... mini.


En proceso: Idolo de Cthulhu modelado en Nural 34 ( similar a milliput). Altura exacta 10 mm, moneda de 10 centimos de euro como referencia. Tambien podeis ver "el signo". Planeo usarlos como contadores para los juegos de cartas a la "pon un contador +1 +1 sobre el barbaro hemorroidico cada vez que ataquen desde atras".
A diferencia de la kneadatite o masilla verde, la Nural se agrieta, si por ejemplo haces un cilindro y lo dobras en forma de "L" en el punto que haria 90 grados obtendras una molesta grieta. Uno de los puntos flojos de la Nural. Pese a ser algo poco significativo, no tenia ganas de estar pendiente de "alisar" constantemente una mini tan pequeña, asi que añadi al Nural un poco de scuplpey para esa palsticidad extra. Si, le faltan su brazo, mano, pie izquierdos, cabeza y las alas vestigiales. Ya se sabe, tiempo al tiempo, porque con el paso de los evos, incluso las minis pueden morir.
Proximamente, unas minis exclusivas muy muy especiales, el idolo acabado, y el tutorial paso a paso (es que recortar todas las fotografias, redactar y maquetar, uf... pero esta en proceso ;)

English language English language

Hi there, this is my mini-cthulhu mini WIP. In fact it's an Idol I plan to use as tokens for my collectible card games. It's sculpted with a mix of Nural 34 (a putty halfway from greenstuff to milliput, cures like milliput) with a bit of sculpey mixed in for the extra elasticity the nural lacks of. Of course Nural's room temperature setting properties will take care of the sculpey mixed.
It's 10 mm tall (see the 10 cent euro coin for reference in case you ae familiar with euro currency).
It still needs a tentacled head, aleft arm and hand, left foot and its decayed wings. Really cute small prop for card gaming, hope to cast tons of them (including the Sign). I think it's turning out good considering it's so small and regular proportions (if this can be applied to HPL creatures) that are far from my toon style.
Hope you like it.
Soon i'll finish him (morrrtal kooombat! :D) and hen post a step by step on sculpting matters (it takes an awful lot of time to crop pics, write the text, etc...)

That it's not sleeping wich eternal can write on his blog...

My two cents about understanding my style

Well, this article was boosted by No Such Agency 's comments, a great painter and even better CMoN'er, but its dedicated to anyone who won't have a clue about what I'm doing with those putties nor what I'm aiming for.

First of all, I  gave "regular scale" a try; made few jawdropping (IMHO) conversions (back in the days of necromunda, when NMM, source lighting and all that stuff weren't on everyone's to do liste, so you had to rely on great conversions and clean painting style)

I realized sculpting is a lifetime hobby; you have to spend a lot of time on each piece to make it look decente insten of soomething to be ashamed about and hobby itself became boring to me (late 90s). Then it came Fanhunter Batallitas a space hulk ripp-off that surprisingly had a set of rules even funnier to read than to play. I have to give credit here to Chema Pamundi who injected the game with tons of humor and references to comics, movies, games (wich also the fanzine by the same name did but not as succesful if you ask me) and our own particular culture. Let's say it's some kind o hillbilly jokes ala Spanish.

Sergi Vidal Sanchez, a really talented guy (please don't get those james wrong, he's not mexican neither I am) created a line of miniatures that were not only true to the source material (half assed penciled fanzines) but even better since the original artist never managed to draw 'em from every angle so figuring out them in 3D and then make the minis look cute and fun was...well, a miracle.

I have a twisted sense of humor and like doing things my way even if noone cares so no matter I quit painting, gaming and the game wasn't supported ever again, now and then I kept sculpting stuff that I feel was funny to see and a great concept to sculpt. Matter or fact, I'm also a insane collector of japanese SD (super deformed) style stuff; you know, big heads, little bodies,etc... aka chibi, kawaii or also refered as "child body (CB)" parodies of any kind of character looking either fun or cute.

Consider also checking those pics of Makinavaja, HPM, Mortadelo, Superlopez, Pafman... Comic characters that made me laugh back when I was a kid, a teenager and... wel probably I'll buy one of those someday ;) After all, we all have our cultural roots buried deep in out hearts.

Big noses, big guns and peanut-like brains are common in some Spanish comic strips like the ones in the links I hope you guys just clicked.

Upcomming attractions; cthulhu idol, this time on regular proportions but in 6 mm tall !! Dare also to face my step by step with technicolor pics tutorial on how I sculpted The moonwalking smooth criminal and maybe me stripped (made by national geografphic, they mistook me for a sealion when I spent my day on the beach) pics too.

Have fun!

Links to Sculpting Tutorials

Bueno, mientras acabo de redactar y retocar todas las fotos (tamaño, resolucion, etc...) dejo una lista de links sobre escultura. algunos en ingles porque son traducciones de sitios web franceses. Bon apetit.

Ok, some links to sculpting tutorials while I crop my and finish writting my own one. Bon apetit.

  • Creafigs (english translation from french).
  • Chest of Colors (polish website, ENG language).
  • 1stlistsculpting, the yahoo group dedicated to mini sculpting (grupo yahoo muy recomendado, que no os de pereza preguntar).
  • Casting and mold making yahoo group. Otra visita recomendada... si no encontrais lo que buscais , preguntad y seguramete sereis atendidos con mucha cortesia.
  • Materiales (Supplies): cualquier tienda interkits, El Corte ingles (Nural 34, masilla de henel en ferreteria) o en webs como e-minis o hobbies Guinea (both Spanish and ENGLISH language)..
  • In case you got lots of time, try any article on CMoN or Here and There.

Who's Bad ?


Ha pasado un mes desde el ultimo post y que tenemos aqui ? Al Rey. Un dia me dije " I wanna be startin' something" y pensaba en las lineas que iba a tocar; bandas callejeras, yakuzas, mafiosos... mafiosos ? quien seria el lider de escuadra ? Se encendio la luz, o la baldosa que estaba pisando yo que se... para colmo de males hoy me llego un paquetito de ebay que daba por perdido desde hace meses asi que "YU-HUUUUU!" (por supuesto sosteniendome el paquete y no me refiero al que trajo el cartero ;)

Espero que os guste mi Smooth Criminal. Solo tengo una duda... lo pintare Blanco o...Negro? Permaneced atentos porque estoy preparando un articulo con fotos paso a paso de como realice esta mini.

English language English language

I's been a month since my last post so here we go; One day I was sitting and staring at nothing (that's a thing I sadly do too often to my taste) and it came to my mind. "Dude, I wanna be startin' something". I started to think about the ranges of minis I would be working on (near future setting) and gangsters were a natural choice.

Ok we got yakuzas, mobsters... Then the special character / squad leader was the next thing I brainstrmed about but again I had the solution in front of my nose screaming Beat it! (and ya-ho-hoooing while grabbing his nutsack - a thing I actually did myself today to a point of breaking all the windows, when recived stuff from ebay I believed to be lost forever) so people amaze in the sight of the King, the Smooth Criminal. Believe me I've rubbed him down for extreme putty holy smoothness! Hope you like it guys (in case there is someone)

Now... Should I paint him Black or White? :D Stay tuned for a step by step sculpting tutorial with tons of pics (that why it took me too long to complete the mini, you bastards)

Space Mariachi, one more time!

Mas vistas del Mariachi espacial. Nótese que el casco y las hombreras son de lo mas clásico, sobretodo la de SU brazo derecho. Con sacar el molde de uno y hacer un sargento ya tendria para un par de escuadras. Lo pintaré rojo ? Lo pintaré verde ? ...Lo pintaré ? :) Por si alguien se lo perdió, el posto original esta en el archivo de febrero.

English language English language

More shots of my infamous plastic sprue marine...er I meant... :) Please note that the shoulders, specially its right one, and the helmet pay homage to some lead guys we all (or at least all shall do) know. I'm talking about The Old Ones, from The Company That Should Not Be Mentioned, also known as "The Ones That Came Before The Plastics" Ok, enough lovecraftesque stupidity. May I paint him Dork Angels' green (in fact he should be back...green WAS for salamanders) or Flood Angels' red? Red, green... 2 of the mex (hey, we Spanish people also have right to consider 'em funny) flag colors. White will go for the Death-Ring company (yup, mariachi's that got married) If you missed you can see the original post + explanation on him on 2006's February archive. Cheers.