666 the callcenter of the beast (vallejo hobby paint & ak interactive ultra matte review)

"Dial 666 for ritual support". Dunno how such dumb idea came to my mind, I bet every single human being with a gadget nowadays has struggled either with technical support or got bombed by fancy phone offers.

This was a 'quick' project to get back to business (true dedicated sculpt, not that half assed green blob) AND to show / review spot on stuff:

The guy was primed with the new Vallejo ( the "lle" in vallejo is actually pronounced as in "YEah" not like "LEmon" so stop that already dudes ;) ) Hobby Paint spray cans, a red one in this given case.

In a nutshell: kick ass. IMHO  far superior to Army Painter's as it leaves no grain or texture, noticeable when you pinwash with oils i.e. They also come with 2 caps, a fat one and a skinny cap. Can't reccomend them enough.

Meet the AK interactive Ultra matte varnish. I loved Vallejo's till I found that. Vallejo matte poliuretane varnish is quite matte but AK's is silly matte, to the point the minis look like claymation figurines. It also doesn't leave that undesired milky finish some varnished produce. Won't leave Vallejo's sometimes slightly satin-ish matte behind but will defo stick with AK's.

Hope that was informative or at least a fun timewaster. See ya pals.

Voy a ahorrarme los chistes malos en plan "hola, le atiende Nelson, en que puedo ayudarle?" No se en que momento se me ocurrió esto, ni si fué buena idea. Cualquiera que no viva bajo una piedra creo que pillará el concepto puto infierno/teleoperadores.

El caso es que necesitaba una nueva pieza "rápida" (ejem*) para hablar sobre un par de movidas nuevas, al menos para mi:

La pintura en spray Vallejo Hobby Paint, que básicamente se folla a cualquier otra cosa en spray que haya probado, incluido Army Painter ya que no deja esa micro textura  tan maja que cuando estás haciendo un pin wash con óleos hace que tu lavado se extienda por capilaridad por toda la pieza, etc. Además vienen con 2 caps para imprimar en grueso y en fino. Aplausos.

Lo segundo es el barniz ultra mate de AK interactive. Es ridículamente mate. Me sigue gustando el de poliuretano de Vallejo, pero esto es el paradigma de maticidad antisatinosa. Si es que la figura parece un moñeco de plastilina!

Y hasta aquí mis mierdas, espero que haya resultado de interés o una pérdida de tiempo agradable. Nos vemos, gente!

10 comentarios:

  1. Cute! I love the homage to Doom. The thing I really noticed right away was that orangey red... So luscious! And an "EULA" written in blood... lol. Cheeky. Maybe you should do the Doom Guy at some point as a companion piece.

    Thanks for the tech tips... I don't tend to keep up with new painting products much (I prime with hardware store Krylon)

    By the way my friend got back to me about Nemo's War. In her words: "I've only played it full once. It has a really steep learning curve but I really enjoy it. Ties in the movie/book to the board play. Lots of detail. It is meant to be played by 1 person (though more can play co-operatively) so great if you have a full day to kill!". I hope that's helpful :)

    1. Woohoo thanks! I'm really into board games, kindly appreciated!

      Next post will be about the blue Vallejo spray paint. TBH I've ben
      airbrush priming for some time but in the end when you are into batch painting (armies, or in my case board game player pieces) a can of color primer saves you 2 coats and an airbrush cleaning session.

      BTW the red was a bit dull at first as it was kind of canned sanguine red from VGC.Next I airbrushed orange VGA then whashed with army painter red wash+thinner+floor wax. It looks so popping cause direct contact to a cold color (dark grey/black) thus creating contrast and regular brush high lighting with the same vallego game air orange (quite transparent out of the bottle). The last touch was some purple tinto to the deepest shadows et voilà.

  2. Yes, I do find that washes really help deepen and richen colours. Red can be so tricky too. Gotta keep those pink highlights at bay XD

    I actually own an airbrush, a Badger 200 single action that I bought in high school! I rarely use it because yes, cleaning it is such a hassle but also bc it's a siphon feed that uses bottles and it's very hard to find parts! And honestly, I usually have difficulty getting a smooth spray from it, and no time to troubleshoot. Definitely a mixed blessing...

  3. Shiphon feed + single action equals almost no use at mini painting.

    There's intermediate cleaning tho, you run some alcohol thru the AB to ensure it eats almost all the remaining paint, then you can store the AB in a glass with a mix of water, airbrush cleaner, and whatnot so paint remains won't dry.

    Pros (people painting for a living --ee next level painting at youtube i.e.-) do that all t'he time.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  4. Such a rich orange-red skincolour, it looks fantastic.
    The miniature itself is amazing too, such a great idea. Being a wargamer, one tends to forget there are so many cool (side-)projects you can do as well, without investing in a game.
    I love all the many details.

    1. Yay, thanks! I know exactly how it feels.

      There are 2 possible uses for that kind of minis, maybe 3:
      FH batallitas / FH roleplaying game, from the 90s wich style inspired me.

      Osprey like miniature games based on books (rogue stars) or Ganesha games like mutants and death ray guns (PDF rule sets).

      In any case I'm the kind of bloke who creates random crap, so I'd need to focus and sculpt some dudes with guns tho.

      I'd love to actually use them TBH :)

  5. Realmente, como dices parece plastilina. ¿Qué uso podría tener en el siniestro futuro?¿Conseguir una textura de ceramita realista? Creo que es increíble para resaltar un buen trabajo de luces interminable. Así es imposible que un brillo maldito oculte tu obra.

    1. En primer lugar, mucha grasa por comentar.

      Si te digo la verdad, creo que has dado en el clavo, es mas, nurgle diría yo; La armadura de ceramita en ultra mate, todo lo que sea carnoso en satinado y los babancios y mocarros en brillo.

      Lo que hace que las miniaturas pongan palote es el contraste y no solo se consigue con oscuros muy oscuros y blancazos como los del anuncio de lejía o los que le dan al yonki de la esquina: jugar con las "texturas" puede llegar a ser un puntazo.

      Pero que lo haga otro, que a mi me da palo ;)

  6. El efecto de ese barniz es como el mostrador de la pastelería de la esquina... no para de llamarte. Tomo nota para probarlo también.

    1. TODAS esas pastelerías y tan pocos dientes que picar.

      -Caries anónima.

      Espero que te guste si llegas a probarlo.
