She's radioactive , She's very selective

She's what I need, She's so goopy indeed!

Yet another De javú here. The mini is meant to be a companion for my other toxic pile of slime. The 1st one I made sculpting half a body then slamming into a goop of hot glue. This one, which I'm not proud of, was sculpted from scratch.

It was a quick sculpt and paintjob as my wife started sculpting with premo so, I had the opportunity to sculpt more often. Problem is, not every time I had a clear Idea or was in the proper mood.

It's been around 4 months since I did this, most notable stuff I may share is I used fluorescent paint (Vallejo was selling that decades before others did).

I wasn't after the glow effect and to be honest, old timers know that using a tiny bit of fluo on the highlights makes them pop. I just overdid it. Perfect example is how great orange turned out just by glazing some fluo.

But wait, there's more:

Lately, modelling companies started selling UV resin for water effects but truth to be told, it's a classic in (my wife's hobby) polymer clay charm works. I used the resin here in the same fashion, as a thick gloss glass-like varnish coat.

Hope you find something neat about this. I didn't.


El compañero del moco tóxico. Lo modelé sin ganas ni inspiración hará unos 4 meses cuando mi mujer se puso a modelar colgantes y tal.

Datos vagamente útiles? Veladuras de fluorescente, algo que scale o greenstuff te venden hoy, pero Vallejo modelo color lleva vendiendo décadas.

Es un truquillo de yayo del modelismo; añadir un pelo de fluo a las luces finales y bum! Esto altera la luz reflejada aunque no usemos ultravioletas. Un ejemplo es el naranja enriquecido. En este caso, le di por un tubo, un exceso que al no tenerle especial cariño a la mini... Pche.

La otra revolución del modelismo ahora es la resina UV (la venden como para hacer efectos de agua) pero esto también resulta que es más viejo que el cagar. Yo lo descubrí por mi mujer, que en su "hobby" barnizar los colgantes con resina transparente, y eso hice yo. Una buena capa gruesa de resina, que da consistencia, tiene un toque flexible y acabado cristalino.

Un saludo mozalbetes!

8 comentarios:

  1. Wow! You may not like this guy so much but it's pretty cool. The ooze effect is perfect. I also like the black "veinyness" effect around the eyes,it really helps them stand out.

    1. Thanks, nice to have Doc's 2nd opinion ;)

      And remember: if it's labeled as Not Toxic Waste it's safe to play near those orange drums.

      I'll try to upload a dozen of pics this week, stay tuned.

    2. BTW, it's mandatory to have veiny skin when something or someone regular turns into evil stuff. 80s movies told us so. I always go for maximum goofiness :]

    3. I just can't get over how virulently GREEN it is! I've never managed this effect.

    4. Fluorescent paint is quite translucent in just 1 brush coat, almost invisible but really impacts on how natural light reflects on the model so it's a great idea using it as a selective thin glaze over your final lights, instead of using them to paint actual fluorescent stuff.

      My latest red demon (the one w/ headset and a list) had small touches of fluo that no-one could tell yet it enhances the color.

      For that green I assume I used Vallejo's lime green or anything leaning to yellow rather than green, then glazed green, highlighted and then used a fluo yellow glaze in irregular patterns splotching here and there...

      Vallejo has a range regular model paints that are fantastic to achieve effects other than the one it's supposed to work for, like "smoke" paint i.e. which as far as I can remember had actual dirt on it.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Pues ha quedado 'resultona, resultona'.

    1. Lo es, aunque es de esas "miniaturas a granel" que uno hace porque si, como cuando transformas un miscast en un zombie; quien lo ve de nuevas se asombra más que uno que sabe el pedrusco que había debajo :D

      Un saludo y gracias por pasarte!
