Un tío normal y corriente. O no.

Average Joe. Ok, maybe he's not.

4 comentarios:

  1. Another super deformed masterpiece... I'm curious to see him painted :) This looks sort of like the new "Left 4 Dead" style "diseased" zombie, if I'm not mistaken?

  2. Oooh, nuevos narizones by Javi, ¡que bien!

    Si, como Allison dice, tiene un cierto aire a la Left4Dead, y a eso solo puedo decir ¡bravo!

    ¿Has visto la primera temporada de Walking Dead ? Un narizón vestido de policía sería el buen complemento para todos esos zombies, ¿no? ;)

    Si tu no lo haces, tendré que acabar esculpiéndolo yo mismo... ;)

    Oh, new bignose guys by Javi, great !

    Yes, as Allison says, the little guy reminds me of Left4Dead, and that is a good thing for me, great!

    Have you watched the first season of Walking Dead ? A bignose guy wearing a middle-west policeman uniform and a wide hat would be a nice opponent to all your zombies, wouldn't he ?

    If you don"t do it, I will have to sculpt him myself ;)

  3. L4D 2 (charger)



    Thanks for noticing.

